chicken gunya, dengue, unknown viral fever ayurveda, ayurvedic treatment for viral fever.

On 29 September 2016 I am writing this : These days we are watching viral fever epidemic. people asked me to write on this but couldn't but now managing to write after some effective treatments done. These days people are suffering from pains in different joints small amount of edema whole body pain, knee pain and fevers ranging from 101 to 104. Being new viral ones there is no effective treatment in allopathy as yet. Secondly many are getting long days of pains on above said body parts they are also relieved by ayurveda very well. One Mrs MS suffered from above symptoms along with fever 104 F could not move even out of bed also. we treated her as sandhig jwar as said in ayurvedic texts and got very good results. Better part of the story is she has fewer pains as compared to those who were on allopathy for the same. Rest, small light foods cold water gauge on forehead and many other precautions were taken. Mrs MP 62 had got fever of this kind fever relieved totally by al...