
Showing posts from November, 2010

chicken gunya, dengue, unknown viral fever ayurveda, ayurvedic treatment for viral fever.

On 29 September 2016 I am writing this : These days we are watching viral fever epidemic. people asked me to write on this but couldn't but now managing to write after some effective treatments done. These days people are suffering from pains in different joints small amount of edema whole body pain, knee pain and fevers ranging from 101 to 104. Being new viral ones there is no effective treatment in allopathy as yet. Secondly many are getting long days of pains on above said body parts they are also relieved by ayurveda very well. One Mrs MS suffered from above symptoms along with fever 104 F could not move even out of bed also. we treated her as sandhig jwar as said in ayurvedic texts and got very good results. Better part of the story is she has fewer pains as compared to those who were on allopathy for the same. Rest, small light foods cold water gauge on forehead and many other precautions were taken. Mrs MP 62 had got fever of this kind fever relieved totally by al...

hrudrog hrudvikar heart attack

One observation - It would be better to collect certain symptoms or presympytoms of some important diseases like heart attack. Mother of one of my friends was 87 years old and was otherwise fit non diabetic obese lady. She underwent operation for fracture neck femur and was fit to be discharged One night she could not sleep well for whole night felt uneasy, difficulty in respiration she died of severe heart attack causing death within 1.45 hrs in the morning.

paralysis ardhang vat hemeplagia

Ardhang vayu paralysis hemiplagia - These are common words that are heard in society particularly the second one. These are conditions where motor functions of body are badly affected viz activities of hands, fingers, legs or mouth in particular. At the beginning there is tingling numbness and then follows heaviness in those affected parts of body. Patient feels nirbalatw or loss of power in those parts. A patient at his age of 34 came with more severe presentation. He could not move both his legs and could not rise even a inch from bed numbness was severe. He underwent all investigations but did not find any relief and was suggested to take 5 injections costing 60,000 each; which he did not afford. He had earlier attack with less severity treated by me successfully so approached me to start with ayurvedic line of action. Being very hard traveler he had his vat dosha vitiated. I started a treatment comprising of snehan with medicated oil, and some packets of medicine comprising...

humanity express

One news reads that a young man was beaten to death following his picking up a minor girl and raping her brutally. There might be different reactions to this some calling humanity many backing this act saying this is the only way to control such incidents. OK but I have something more to say: good governance is utmost important in checking such mentalities. In addition to this there is a need of an atmosphere socially which will have moral binding on people. Now a days nobody is related to or bothered about the society saying what people have to do with my personal life? Society too has nothing to do either and then suddenly when such a rape occurs there is outburst killing the person for don't no whether the offence deserves punishment to death, law taken into hands We should recreate a society to which everybody is answerable. Moral values being followed by all and so on ....

ayurveda for all chickungunya & ayurveda

It has been found that the no. of patients of chickungunya is increasing in India today. According to ayurveda it resembles to sandhig jwar. I have found in many cases that patients get relief by primary treatment ayurvedic or allopathic; but the pains of joint, hampered movements and oedema continue to be worst with no relief by other treatments. Ayurveda has a lot to do here, when I treat it considering above diagnosis I find it responds well; the improvement is faster than any other treatment. The use of gold loaded medicines is useful here too.