paralysis ardhang vat hemeplagia

Ardhang vayu paralysis hemiplagia -
These are common words that are heard in society particularly the second one. These are conditions where motor functions of body are badly affected viz activities of hands, fingers, legs or mouth in particular.
At the beginning there is tingling numbness and then follows heaviness in those affected parts of body. Patient feels nirbalatw or loss of power in those parts.
A patient at his age of 34 came with more severe presentation. He could not move both his legs and could not rise even a inch from bed numbness was severe. He underwent all investigations but did not find any relief and was suggested to take 5 injections costing 60,000 each; which he did not afford.
He had earlier attack with less severity treated by me successfully so approached me to start with ayurvedic line of action.
Being very hard traveler he had his vat dosha vitiated. I started a treatment comprising of snehan with medicated oil, and some packets of medicine comprising of suvarn bhasma etc.
Miraculously he phoned me on 5 th day saying there was pransanchar in his legs and could move them on his own will.
He is improving day by day.
Ayurveda can give fast results.


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