corona virus disease Covid 19 ayurvedic solutions.

करोना होऊ नये म्हणून preventive, करोना झाल्यास treatment, व होऊन गेल्यास post covid लक्षणे / side effects यावर आपण केशव क्लिनिक ला उपचार देत आहोत. कॉल 9822697288 डॉ प्रसाद फाटक. We are providing preventive for corona, treatment for corona and post covid side effects @keshav ayurvedic clinic Pune. Call for exact information - Dr. Prasad Phatak 9822697288. Below is patients feedback. She says ayurveda works fantabuliusly and keshav ayurvedic is good at corona or any instant treatment. Thanks a lot madam. Ayurveda is best way for health.