नीम के पत्ते, अर्जुन की छाल ayurveda remedies neem leaves and arjun chhal videos on youtube

hello friends, Dr Prasad Phatak here. I am an ayurvedic physician Working for health of mankind through the guidance of ayurveda. I am located at Pune Maharashtra. Lately I have posted about arjuna and Neem uses for your health. Both are ayurvedic plants which are found in abundance in India. I am a blogger and Youtuber. Through this I work for the same purpose. You can easily find me by searching Dr. Prasad Phatak on google search.Face book page is named after Keshav Ayurvedic clinic. Map location is also found by keshav ayurvedic clinic only #health #ayurveda #hypothyroid #naturecure #herpes #healthbenefits #neem #yourhealth #doctor #blogger #physician