
Showing posts from September, 2018

Hsv patient feedback with latest report

I got fully cured with this medicine and my report get negative within a month Anonymous -- A feedback on my YouTube channel           feedback - this came on my post named herpes treated fast - Hello all, i am ashish from kota rajasthan, i have been suffering from both types of herpes,for last four months  it was very painful, i had continues swelling on my penis, regular whole day pain and burning inside my penis,  i was not able to intercourse, even due to pain i could not walk little fast, fever and body pain were also present,  i went to 7 different doctors from urologist to sexologist but couldn't find any answer and relief,  one VD doctor told me to report for herpes and said there is no cure,  then i searched on Internet and found dr. Prasad pathak sir number, i called and consulted by him,  he assured me that i will get relief from his medicines, i got his powder form medici...

Methods of getting medicine and method to take my powder medicine

                                        рдХेрд╢рд╡ рдЖрдпुрд░्рд╡ेрджिрдХ рдЪिрдХिрдд्рд╕ाрд▓рдп рдкुрдгे.  Keshav Ayurvedic clinic Pune рд╕ंрдкрд░्рдХ рдХрд░ें -   Contact me : 9822697288 or 7588381952 @ Keshav ayurvedic clinic 11 maruti chawk. 230\3 Shukrawar peth Pune India 411002 Monday to Saturday - 10.30 to 1 AM and 6 to 9 PM. It is always better to see me and get checked up and diagnosed and medication. But for some conditions like mentioned elsewhere, we diagnose by thorough case taking via conversations and send medicines by courier too. See what to do for it : What to do to get medicine by courier method - Call me first. Take my account details. Credit said amount in my account. Send a fotocopy of transaction to me. Call for detailed case taking when i receive amount in my account. After thorough info you will get medicine by courier. рдкैрд╕े рднрд░рдиा  рдлिрд░ рдХेрд╕ рдбिрдЯेрд▓ рджेрдиा рдФрд░ рдлिрд░ рдЖрдпेрдЧा рдХुрд░िрдпрд░...