Psoriasis and ayurveda. eczema ayurveda twacha rog ayurveda.

Good news - Now you can ask for medicines online also. Get the details, pay, give the detailed history about your disease and then medicines will be couriered. [ When you get well, please you also comment on this post so that others will be benefit ] Why prefer ayurveda in skin diseases : Allopathy has treatment for it but may include some steroids in it which aredangerous for health in long term hence prefer ayurveda which has manyplant medicines, herbal medicines to cure skin diseases one of which is Nimb leaves which is mind blowing effects' Lord does effect not we. As far as ayurveda talks about skin disease it is related to 3 doshas and some dhatus like rakt dhatu which may be vitiated in this disease.We correct them through fine medicines and ghrutas. That may include nimb leaf, arogyavardhini, khair sal, mahamanjishthadi kadha etc. Parad is also prepared by such a process of shodahn maran that it is not at all harmful. त्वचेच्या विकारात आयुर्वेदि...