
Mercury uses for health according to ayurveda : See mercury is widely used in ayurveda and generally the modern medicine people have some reservations against it and they may advice you not to go for ayurveda for mercury toxicity. But now we will see what ayurveda says and does for it : In first place the sages knew about its toxicity very well and they did not blindly use it in medicines to cause harm to people. In fact ayurveda stands for relief and not for harm. Their take o n usage of mercury as it is means they call it as ashuddh parada is like this : it never produces benefits but causes skin diseases, loss of appetite, worms, vomitting, dyspepsia, heavyness and burning sensation in body and even Death! So they underwent many processes to purify it which is done till today are like this utthapanam, swedanam, mukhakaranam, gandhkajaranam, bandhanam and maranam. Through all these processes parada totally changes undergo many chemical reactions, stabilizes and gives many ben...