Fistula in ano treated by ayurvedic medicines

Fistula and ayurveda Fistula in the anus means in place from where you defecate is very bad disease. It causes trouble as well as shame to the patient which he can not express in public. every disease is worst for one who is affected but at least you can express your pain or say I can not eat so and so thing as I have this disease but this one does not provide you that freedom also! so are fissure and piles all very troublesome ones. I had one Mr KK 47 who had this with a lot of trouble causing pain in anus region, boil like irruption there which always oozed out puss and blood. he could not sit properly. He had operated it ones too but it recurred. He had a lot of difficulty in going to toilet had very hard stool which might be triggering factor for it. Hi...