Asthma of old lady and ayurveda treatment
I had one lady aged 80 of asthama under my treatmeent from one year. It has been a good monsoon for her without cough and breathlessness The dusht place of this disease was lungs dosh being kaf and vat and srotas: pranavah one. yashtimadhu kwath for kaf irradicatin is good. shwas kuthar and shwas kas chintamani are well used after that. She also suffered from some heart disease which is under control but I will write about it afterwards In this we use cleansing of kafa first. For better results then we use some rasayan so that the lungs be powerful after kaf is under control. Panchakarma was not used looking at the age of the patient. I write this for info to friends and people what ayurveda can do to mankind. Not as advertisement. Not appealing to visit me.