
Showing posts from 2013

Working on 1. Lichen Planus or mouth ulcer, rash in mouth patient got rid of steroids and cured by ayurveda

 patient feedback first :  One doctor who is my patient wrote this to me: dear sir wish you you a very happy diwali sorry for replying late to your mail.i was very busy in patients and festival. i am very satisfied with your treatment.being a doctor i know it is very difficult to treat a autoimmune disease like oral lichen planus . my quality of life has improved a lot after your treatment .now i dont have to sit upright whole night to decrease my heart burn due to oesophageal reflux your medicine has saved me from becoming steroid dependent. my mouth ulcer are quite without steroid ointment except for one ulcer on tongue that i will show you when i will be in pune thanks to you and ayurveda for my better life.  I am working on 1. Lichen Planus I am treting it by ayurveda it is giving good results. Thx DR K R            Lichen planus is an autoimmune disease which manifests itself like ulcer in mouth.It is bump like ...

Muzzafarnagar riot hit children died in camp. Manavata is vast term and vast thought for life.Blot to Humanity. Manav Jagaran Manch.

40 Muzzafar nagar riot hit children lose life.             It is a news that 40 children died in muzaffar nagar camp for relief [ ? ] to riot hit people. Due to lack of proper protection in camp, cold wave damaged the health of children in enormous number. Pneumonia affected children died.In one case mother put her hand on the hole in tent whole night but could not save her child.Mother of muslim child and that of affected kashmiri pandit is the same one.            The most of people are muslims and the govt. in UP calls itself masiha of muslims. Now what the masihas doing ? This is a big blot to Humanity.            WE as Manav Jagaran Manch earlier went out on streets for supporting the Kashmiri Pandits who were badly broken by terrorism in  J & K. Now as we are not in position to occupy the streets we are protesting on social media.         ...

Happiness of life

We want happiness but talk and think of many things which create unhappy feelings; so why not control it and be mary ? If we peep in past tense find out some moments when you had been very happy and I am sure you will find many such ones! Visit my Fb page ' humanity ' for more short articles on humanity thank you

Pain and immobility of hip joint caused by fake dr's steroids; treated wel by ayurveda at our clinic. A case of avascular necrosis of hip bone treated by our medicines.

I have a 21 years old patient who sought  medicines for weight gain by fake dr. He found to be badly affected when he could not walk or sit down  and had severe pain in hip joint. MRI said there is necrosis of bone in hip joint. nov 11 : avascular necrosis involving head of femur bilaterally stage 3. Bone marrow edema in head & neck of both femur.Bilateral synovial effusion : march 13 rt femoral changes progressed. experts say this about this disease 1. There are many theories about what causes avascular necrosis. Proposed risk factors include, chemotherapy,  alcoholism ,   excessive  steroid  use etc. 2. Avascular necrosis is especially common in the hip joint. A variety of methods are now used to treat avascular necrosis,  the most common being the  total hip replacement , or THR. However, THRs have a number of downsides including long recovery times and short life spans (of the hip joints). THRs are an effective...

My Book in marathi a kathasangrah or bunch of stories literature '' Tuze git ganyasathi ''

माझे पुस्तक  '' तुझे गीत गाण्यासाठी '' नुकतेच प्रसिद्ध झाले आहे.  My first literary book a bunch of 9 stories has been published recently. It's name is " tuze geet ganyasathi '' Through these 9 stories I try to express myself and try to find out humanity in the human beings around us. It has family atmosphere and nice backdrop of nature around us.  These stories are sensitive and entertaining so please go through it. It is available at my place at 120 rupees. Or you could get it on book stalls in maharashtra. Dr. Prasad Phatak -- 

Thanks Friends 20000 + blog posts readers.

Thanks friends for your love. This blog is well read by all of you it has now 20000 + blog post readers. THANKS

Hindu sant

Nobody could be spared just for being hindu sant. Hindu dharma asks people to control their ego, lust, anger. May god help the society to remain safe from evil of all sorts. sarve api sukhin: asantu sarve santu niramay: means let all be happy and healthy that is what seers of upanishadas say.

Independence day of India 2013. A free speech for surajy or good governance.

Free speech I Just now gave my well wishes for I Day to a friend of my age and added that now let us wish for Surajya. His answer was ‘ Just to say ‘.Meaning clearly that he has no hopes to share mine! Then my small friend of 4 th std came in whom I repeated the same wishes he asked ‘What is that surajy ?’ showing his age related ignorance. But still let us all wish again for Surajy and we have the right and might to get it. Come on let us shade of hopelessness and ignorance. What could we do for that or just to say? May be a strong wish by many help in that direction; along with some deed will help. First of all not to accept the corruption by mind body and intellect is also important. We have started to accept it secretly. That is to be changed first. Then let us understand the power of vote in democracy. Be sure that corrupt governments be sent to home. Cast your vote without running away from it. Ask the down trodden community not to sale their vote for a bottle or a no...

Asthma of old lady and ayurveda treatment

I had one lady aged 80 of asthama under my treatmeent from one year. It has been a good monsoon for her without cough and breathlessness The dusht place of this disease was lungs dosh being kaf    and vat  and srotas: pranavah one. yashtimadhu kwath for kaf irradicatin is good. shwas kuthar and shwas kas chintamani are well used after that. She also suffered from some heart disease which is under control but I will write about it afterwards In this we use cleansing of kafa first. For better results then we use some rasayan so that the lungs be powerful after kaf is under control. Panchakarma was not used looking at the age of the patient. I write this for info to friends and people what ayurveda can do to mankind. Not as advertisement. Not appealing to visit me.

Small breast tumor treated at our clinic by ayurvedic medicine

I had a patient of 35 age lady who had a small granthi or gath or tumor in her breast with pains, she also had one on her right hand which was like mans granthi  I took it as kaf dosh and mans dushti.  Use of kanchanar along with dhatu pachak and patha for stany shodhan was done as she had 4 pregnancies last around 2 years back It was cured within 5 days!

herpes treated fast by ayurveda: herpes zoster. PHN or pain after herpes. Herpes simplex well treated. genital herpes.

Pain after herpes is a big problem, Ayurveda has answer for it Today I will share a very important case in which a young man GS who suffered from herpes zoster which is also called visarp or nagin.Initially he had pain near chest and back which eventually turned out to have blisters and yes it was herpes zoster ie. shingles. After some treatment eat dried out but he started to have severe pain in that area.And soon the pain rose up so much that he would fall unconscious for a while; depicting as if he had siezures means fits. No medicine could have cure for it and he was admitted repeatedly 7 times for it. He was also declared to have some psychological problem nothing else. By watching me online, his father brought him to me and I was firm that he had PHN means postherpatic nuralgia - means pain that rises after herpes . My medicines worked well by the grace of God. With some initial fast relief he recovered fully within 2 weeks and needed no admission again. That could be the pow...