science and supreme science

Vedas of hindu ancient culture see oneness in the universe. They also say that it is the parabramh which is one that exists and everything we see is a part of it. 'सर्वम खलु इदम ब्रम्हम’ If we go out in the nature we can see that every leaf, bodies of dead animals and their excreta etc is buried in the land to nourish the plants. The plants subsequently feed all the animals directly or indirectly. So this is the wheel of life that rotates. Every small particle is entering in one species to other periodically. If a human being dies it is either buried to get in the cycle and if burnt it will go through other nitrogen cycle to enter plant kingdom. So in a way there is no distinction in all the living and non living things in the world at the root of everything. It is the ego of the human being that separates it from the world. It is OK up to a certain extent but when it increases to selfish extents, that person is exploiting himself in a way! The vedas clearly say that you are fe...