
Showing posts from July, 2010


Some thoughts regarding money making. As we all know coin has two sides on the same lines money has 2 sides one is development other is corruption. Today corruption has reached to its optimum level If everybody has right thought regarding making money then only country can do progress & stop corruption Earlier we as an Indian philosophers did not bother about worldly things and would not bother about physical development, so money mending would be seen as sin sometimes. Of course this was general pattern not all inclusive. As era changed we have started to think about money to be God. Corruption was always there but problem is that now it has become acceptable to all.[ Bhrashtachar ha shishtachar zala ahe.] For development without corruption, personal thoughts should become national. One should work hard get money for himself & the country. It should not be blended with greed or jealousy. Jodonitya dhan uttam vyavahare as sant Tukaram has said centuries back. Youth would know ...

Rise in BP immediately controlled by ayurvdic treatment

Rise in BP immediately controlled by ayurvdic treatment Mr. X is a male patient of age 80 yrs. He presented with signs & symptoms of a developing paralysis. He could not speak properly with toung heavy & turning towards right side. Legs and low back heavy & numb. His blood pressure was as high as 200\90 and relatives gave history of similar rise with attack of paralysis 12 years back. We started immediate treatment shuddh ayurved pudya.I kept BP, ekangvat & vat dosha on diagnosis agenda. Within 3 doses in 1 night all the symtoms & signs decreased with BP 140\80. A senior allopathic Dr. called me next evening to congratulate on decreasing blood pressure of the patient immediately and stop upcoming attack of paralysis. He was also very open to say that the ayurvedic treatment should continue.

Bleeding Ulcer fast cure by Ayurveda at my place

Ayurveda fast effectivity - vomiting with blood for 1 month stopped within 2 packets. Diagnosis - ulcer. Bleeding ulcer imergancy treatment Ayurveda can give instant results too. Last week on July 1 I had a 27 year old lady patient who complained vomiting as her prime symptom for about a month. But it was serious for the reason that it included blood bolus of around size of amalaki or avala for a month & particularly one week of continuous daily one vomit with blood. All other conditions were not favorable. I had too dare take this as a challenge. I diagnosed her as bleeding ulcer. Started with packets pathya and rest. Surprisingly she responded within 2 packets and has neither vomited nor bleeded since then till july 5.It was treated on these lines anrvravran with bleeding. It included anti vran and anti bleeding treatment.